Wednesday, 26 October 2011

It's closing time...

It’s over a month since we arrived late into Heathrow, via two loops of the channel and an unscheduled refuelling stop at Gatwick. We’re closing our Just Giving page, over the moon that you helped us raise over 300% of our original target, thankyou! With gift aid, we are chuffed to have given more than £3000 to Macmillan.

We faintly remember the smell of morning chamois cream (not as potent as day long chamois cream), wet dog smelling tents are a distant memory and none of us have been chased by a physical dog in ages. Riding to work with an actual freewheel provokes a knowing grin! We’re all back into the swing of things, and it seems ages ago since we rolled into Constanta. We had two days of vegetating and wandering around the port before frantically wrapping up the bikes in fruit boxes and cling film. We only just unpacked Flora’s this week!

We’d love to write a proper account of the trip, to do justice to the places we remember fondly and the people that shaped our perceptions of each place, but just havent had the time. There are several places we’d like to revisit; Serbia in particular was a real favourite. We learnt about wars and cultures we were previously ignorant to, made friends, got smashing suntans and dangerously sporty leg definition. We averaged just over 100km a day and had just one puncture! It was very challenging at times, but hugely satisfying.

If anyone stumbles across this blog and wants to know anything about the ride – please get in touch. Make sure you go back to the first posts to see it unfold, the last post seems to end in a bit of an anti climax – we were knackered, but felt fanatastic...

We hope to plan another idiotic adventure in the future, but for now, it’s back to work, study and dreaming of stuff.

Thanks for reading,
Harvey, Flora and Luke
October 2011

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