Wednesday 24 August 2011

Day Nine

Afore mentioned warm clear swimming lake, much calmer in the morning, surrounded by city dwellers the evening before. Early start, hard to get up.

Hugged the river all day, showing off the MacMillan Tshirts...

American couple on a handmade British tandem! Lemonade stop. Need to remember others can speak English before explicitly describing current bodily discomforts.

First consecutive days at over 100km, yoyoing past people we have seen along the way, a lot of hard work been done to keep the pace up and leave us within a day of Vienna. Too tired to even get the day right day on the blackboard, but definitely bushed. Watersports on the river behind us, jealous. 
Getting very tanned on the right side, always riding East....

Camped a lot since early hostel stops, need some decent sleep. Tried out sleeping with our heads at the other end of the tent this night, to avoid being smeared with the wet inner at dawn. 
Swapping sides confused Luke however, who woke up kissing Harvey's chest...

Happy Birthday Sarah! Posted late, but taken on the right day!

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