Sunday 4 September 2011

day fourteen - the golden kebab

So we leave the apartment, and head towards Budapest. For Harvey the lure of Miss Rossetti, for Flora and Luke the lure of getting rid of Harvey for a night or two.
Half way there we have to make the decision -  the short cut via a long ugly main road full of traffic, or the long way via 'the golden bend'. We decide on the latter with the promise of a section of beautiful Danube and history...
One sweaty kebab and a less than average view and we regretted the choice.

our old friend.

45extra km , including 25km on a puncture for Luke and this was our reward. Harvey's excitable jump is nothing short of sarcastic.

smart view of the golden bend, viewed with a stomach full of golden kebab.
cool statues on the way into Budapest. nearly there!

a familiar view.
finally we arrive! cleverly we had booked a 3rd floor hotel. Luckily it had a huge lift.

Been looking forward to this, not far off halfway. 3 days of recovery on the way!

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